Best Super Bowl Commercials of All Time: Clydesdales, Terry Tate, and More
In a time when people pay extra to streaming services so their 100th rewatch of The Office isn’t interrupted by ads, it’s quite odd that millions of people still flock to their screens on Super Bowl Sunday specifically for the commercials.
But that’s the beauty of it. This is the one day each year when we all sit down together and engage in the monoculture. And these are the ads that had Kathy from Accounting losing her damn mind at the watercooler the next day.
P.S. Sorry if the videos below force you to watch ads before watching the ads. The irony of this is not lost on us.
“Throw the Child” - Paramount+
Call it recency bias, but Patrick Stewart in an old-timey leatherheads uniform hurling an iconic Nickelodeon character at a mountain — while Creed jams triumphantly in the background — deserved an Emmy. Against my better judgement, I find myself hoping for a sequel this year.
“Hey Kid, Catch!” - Coca-Cola
This one’s an oldie, starring Steelers legend “Not So Mean” Joe Greene and a little boy who sounds exactly like Marge Simpson for some reason. If you can ignore the creepy vibes from the kid — who offers Greene an ice cold beverage like a serial killer trying to lure someone into a van — this commercial is a sweet reminder that football players are just people and that fandom can be a beautiful thing.
“Clydesdales and Landslide” - Budweiser
Because on Super Bowl Sunday, we cry over the bonds formed between humans and animals. Yes we do. To this day, the Budweiser Clydesdales represent the pinnacle of what can be achieved with these ads.
“Parisian Love” - Google
Because on Super Bowl Sunday, we also cry about love stories as told through a timeline of search engine results. If this ever gets turned into a movie, it’s actually required by law to star Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.
“Terry Tate, Office Linebacker” - Reebok
From the future director of Dodgeball (no, seriously), comes an impeccable 1-minute comedy about improving office productivity. I could watch it on mute and still laugh. The way the stunt actors get completely ragdolled feels illegal to watch. And yet… I can’t stop watching. THIS is the high bar that I desperately hope another creative team is able to clear this Sunday.
“Groundhog Day with Bill Murray” - JEEP
Nostalgia is a fickle beast. Jeep pulls off the comfort of a core memory with its perfectly executed Groundhog Day rendition. It may not convince you to buy a car, but it won’t leave you wanting to bash your alarm clock in.
“Game of Thrones Joust” - Bud Light
OK, so maybe I just really like movie-based commercials. But this one takes me back to a time when GOT was still one of the best shows on television. Y’know… before Season 8 happened (I’m still mad). Makes you wonder if Robert Boratheon would’ve ruled the realm better if he had been drinking a beer with 4.2% ABV instead of that potent wine.
“The Game with Betty White” - Snickers
BETTY WHITE PUT SNICKERS ON THE MAP. (I’m not sure what the sales were before this commercial aired, but just trust me.) This ad was a cultural reset. Anytime someone was grumpy, they were instantly met with a snarky snickers comment. I miss you, Betty.
“The Force” - Volkswagen
Epic score. Incredible visuals. AND ITS SO F*CKING ADORABLE! It makes me love Darth Vader. But… wait. Would he technically be called Anakin here, since he’s a kid?