Each week, Cooterdoodle will be breaking down all the pain and punishment that transpires in our very own BWW Punishment Eliminator League.

18 entered, but 17 will leave with their tails between their legs as they are forced to face a season-ending punishment.

BWW Punishment Eliminator League

Boys and girls: THIS IS THE FINAL WEEK!

I repeat, the loser this coming week will get the final punishment because we’re officially down to only two teams remaining!

It seems like just yesterday we were wrapping up our 18-team draft, and everyone was sweating over our first eliminator punishment. Times were much simpler then.

Welcome back to the Fantasy Life BWW Punishment Eliminator League. It’s time for us to move on to the final week and find out who will pay the price after having gotten so close to glory.

The punishment gods have spoken once again! Today we’ll have a full recap of:

  • 18-Team Dream Teams
  • Week 16 Results
  • Week 16’s Proof of Punishment (PP)
  • On to Week 17: Some Like It Hot

If you’re new here, be sure to read a full breakdown of our 18-team best ball elimination league and last week’s recap.

But the rules are fairly simple: SURVIVE or face the consequences (read: the Punishment Generator).

18-Team Dream Teams

Let’s take a peek back at the ol' draft board.

Heading into last week, only Sam Holt, Matthew Berry, and Dwain McFarland's teams remained alive. And here were their picks…well, at least their first 11 draft picks, because that’s all I could fit:

BWW Punishment League Draft Board

Now, before you start picking these teams apart, I have to stress that ADP goes out the window in an 18-team league. Don’t judge it til' you try it. Also, don’t try it unless you can stomach some terribly scary draft picks. The bottom of the board consisted of picks that were…swinging for the fences, and that's putting it nicely.

Some swung. Some missed. But our top three teams remained…until now.

Speaking of our remaining teams, let’s get into the nitty gritty results of Week 16 and see who was eliminated this past week. After all, we're here for the punishments!

Week 16 Results

The results from Week 16 are in, and we're down to two of the dawgiest dawgs left alive.

Sam, it doesn’t matter that you were at the top of the rankings in Week 15 (sorry, I was rooting for you!). Week 16 came and went, and now it’s time for you to go, too.

Here’s how the Fantasy Life BWW Eliminator league looked this week with some added context of risers and fallers:

Week 16 Results

We started with 18 teams but have since been cut down to TWO TEAMS for the championship matchup.

Sure, it’s best ball, so there haven't been any head-to-head matchups…until now. It's going to be a duel between Dwain and Matthew to see who can avoid the final elimination.

Even though Dwain had a clear lead in Week 16, it’s a new week and anyone’s game! We’ve seen this happen time and time again. 

Will the one and only Matthew Berry knock out his entire Fantasy Life team and establish his dominance once and for all? (Not that he needed to. You’re the GOAT, boss!) Or will Dwain McFarland, Lead Fantasy Analyst and Director of Analytics take the crown?

I don’t have an answer yet, but I hope that Dwain and Matthew are both ready.

With only the two of them left for the final showdown, it’s time for us to somberly turn our attention towards the unlucky leaguemate who came so close and yet so far to the finals. And it’s time for them to pay…

Proof of Punishment (PP)

It’s finally time for what you’ve all been waiting for. The big PP reveal. 

The Punishment Generator results were rolled out prior to Week 16 and revealed that the loser would have to watch a little Seinfeld and prepare their very best for the Festivus rituals.

That’s right. The loser has to get in the holiday spirit and air their grievances once and for all!

So without further adieu, here’s Sam's Week 16 punishment!

We’re sorry to see Sam go, but the league marches on! One…last…time.

Nitty Gritty Breakdown:

  • Teams remaining: 2
  • Teams eliminated: Marcas, Freedman, Jonathan, Ian, Waz, Kendall, Chris, Jake, Cooter, Jordan, Sam, Pete, Matt, Eliot, Geoff, and Sam
  • Punishment on Deck: Some Like It Hot

With Sam's elimination, we’re on to a new beginning. And unfortunately, we're faced with another few days of sweating it out while we await the fresh agony of the upcoming Week 17 results.

On to Week 17

As for the survivors: another one down with only the final elimination left to go.

How punishments are decided:

  • Generate a random punishment with our Punishment Generator
  • Announce the punishment to the league prior to kickoff
  • Boot the loser from the league once the games have concluded
  • Collect Proof of Punishment (PP)
  • Expose everything on FantasyLife.com

We won’t know who has to pay the price until all the Week 17 games conclude on Sunday night, but we do know that someone is going to have to get a glass of milk ready because the Punishment Generator has spoken.

Drumroll, please…

Some Like It Hot

That’s right, the team with the lowest score from Week 17 will have to slather some fried potatoes in Blazin' Knockout, Buffalo Wild Wings’s hottest sauce. Yes, their HOTTEST. It’s only fitting.

Stay tuned for an update next week after the losing team submits their Proof of Punishment (PP), and we kick them from the league.

If this sounds like a fun league format to you sickos, you don't have to feel left out. You can make your own punishment eliminator league!

Don't be shy, it's easy to create some fun (maybe not so fun for the loser) punishments. Whether it’s an end-of-season last-place punishment or a weekly side bet, we’ve got you covered. Just input your settings, generate, and let fate decide!

You can check out Fantasy Life's Punishment Generator for FREE here!

Punishment Eliminator League
Cooterdoodle won the very first fantasy football league she ever played in. Rumor has it she reminds people of this fact to this day. Above winning, she takes pride in trash talking her fantasy football opponents. You can find her running the Fantasy Life social media accounts, creating Petite Pods, contributing articles to the Smack Zone for Trophy Smack, and generally being an advocate for serious issues on Twitter. #milkfirst