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Matthew Ramos

Matthew Ramos

Matt is from Southern California but now resides in Nashville, TN. He was a collegiate volleyball player who has a passion for all sports. The twitter handle @sommbets5 stems from him also being a certified sommelier. In his spare time he is either on the golf course, passionately cheering for the dodgers, or live betting whatever sport is on tv that day.
What is line movement? Why you need to pay attention.

What is line movement? Why you need to pay attention.

In sports betting, line movement is the idea of a betting line moving from the time the opening line is released to the start of the game
Matthew Ramos
Sep 20, 2022, 11:32 PM EDT
How to use units in sports betting. And why you should care.

How to use units in sports betting. And why you should care.

Matthew Ramos dives into the concept of units in sports betting, what it means, how to use them and why they're important.
Matthew Ramos
Sep 13, 2022, 11:21 AM EDT
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